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研发中心主要研究方向有营养个性化食品,儿童食品,发酵功能食品,医疗食品,运动食品,食品创新技术,国际标准化食品工厂FSI/BRC 设计,食品安全第三方检测。开放示范工厂生产由德国专家团队研发,适合各类人群营养需要的个性化产品。产品遵循从源头到餐桌的全程控制,绿色生产,以营养与人类健康为第一设计原则。夫大食品是 “工匠食品”, 返璞归真,采用最好的食品原料,无任何化学添加剂,应用科学与营养最前沿的知识与科技研发成果而制成。夫大旗下拥有品牌: 夫大, Foodawa,Opadi, Eight Sisters。
夫大通过科学技术服务、优质食品生产、食品职业培训和消费者教育与体验,推广全球最先进的食品环保节能加工技术,物联网智能追溯体系及企业高效管理模式,与其他企业联手共建人类健康。我们的理念是“honest food, real food, no tricks”, “诚实食品,真正食品,没有秘密”。夫大食品科技是高新区食品安全示范企业,政府留学人员创业扶持企业。
Foodawa Food Science and Technology Introduction
Foodawa Food Science and Technology comprises of four business scopes: research and development, open demonstration production plant, food E-commerce and food vocational training. The core team consists German food nutrition scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, Demeter organic agricultural experts. Foodawa research focuses are personalized nutrition, children's food, fermented functional foods, medical foods, sports nutrition, food innovation and technology, international standardization of food factories FSI / BRC design, food safety third-party inspection. Open demonstration production plant produces personalized nutritional foods for various consumer groups. We concern green food technology, nutrition and human health as the first design principles. Foodawa holds the following brands: 夫大, Foodawa, Opadi, Eight Sisters.
工作地址:珠海市香洲区夫大 Eight Sisters